Tag Archives: FIFA manager

School of the future Messis

                                                     Image                                                                                                        I study football management and soon will get my first job in that area. Some days ago I received an important call from a local club and that will probably change my life.

I love football from the early ages. I’ve played in amateur teams and was always searching for a chance to be a real part of that world. I knew that was mine and I would have a success by all means.

Once I was playing FIFA Manager on my PC – that’s a game when you are a football coach and you work at your team’s strategy, tactics, transfers, practice and so on. I asked myself: what if I try to become a football manager?

And now I’m on my final lap of race, because there is a life dogma for me which really push me forward every time – there is nothing impossible for a human being.

Now I’m already working at creating and upgrading some strategy points for my job with children of 11-13 in the end of January and I try to figure out some signature style to produce some great players of future from my prospects. Wish me good luck!